How do we let more people in the Greater Toronto Area know that Canadian Coin & Currency buys old gold, silver, jewellery and other pieces of metal or precious jewels?
We take a foodie approach to reflect the need for fast food in a busy, career-driven society without the loss of good food culture.
How do we replace mindless scrolling with relevant content from Audible?
Print ads that use humour and show the places that you can listen to an e-book instead of mindless scrolling through your device.
The aim of this campaign is to let more people in the Greater Toronto Area know that Canadian Coin & Currency buys old gold, silver, jewellery and other pieces of metal or precious jewels, we elected to show them similar pieces to highlight the company's benefit; that Canadian Coin & Currency is an expert in the industry.
How do let people know that they can calculate the nutritional value of anything with MenuSano?
Narrow nutritional information to a comical degree to show how accurate the tool can be.
The YOU ARE HERE creative idea is the utilization of seamless technology and the ease it provides in spreading connection and voice to victims of Intimate Partner Violence (this includes children). The project revolutionizes help with an important message, and brings results in real-time to the people and communities that need support with violence.